We want to make university available to Aboriginal students in Arnhem Land

Our vision

We believe all people should have the chance to achieve their dreams.

Our aim

To create opportunity for two-way university learning on-Country.


Co-founder of Wuyagiba Study Hub - Mrs Cherry Wulumirr Daniels OAM (now deceased)

Did you know?

Percentage of people under the age of 19 in Ngukurr community vs Australia (Source: ABS Census 2016)

Percentage of people under the age of 19 in Ngukurr community vs Australia (Source: ABS Census 2016)


Percentage of  people in Ngukurr community with a Bachelor degree vs Australia wide (Source: ABS Census 2016).

Percentage of  people in Ngukurr community with a Bachelor degree vs Australia wide (Source: ABS Census 2016).


Why is this important?

  • Increases the opportunities for remote Aboriginal people to access university education

  • Creates opportunity for Elders to maintain high level Aboriginal culture, on-Country

  • In the future, may open up opportunities for non-Aboriginal people to learn about Aboriginal culture from Elders, on-Country

We want our children to go to university but we can’t always go down south to university if we have cultural or family responsibilities. We can’t go to Darwin ‘cause there’s too much humbug…and grog. We want those Professors to come to us. And our Professors can also teach you mob.
— Robin Rogers, Ngukurr Community Elder